About Me

I'm a nearly 30 teacher beginning my seventh year as a middle school math teacher in California.  My blogging story can be found in my first post. While it is pretty lengthy it leaves out all the details of who I am and where I come from.

I have lived in California my whole life growing up outside of Sacramento and attending college at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. I majored in Liberal Studies and went through a blended teaching program that got me out of college with my B.S. and teaching credential in just over four years. From a young age I knew I wanted to teach so this program was perfect as I was done with school and in my very own classroom by the age of 22.

I spent the first four years of my career teaching at a low-income, high EL populated school in the Mission District of San Francisco. It was an incredible experience and the challenges I had there have made me the teacher I am today. I now teach at a school in Napa Valley where half our demographic is the same as my old school while the other half is very affluent--it is a different and often challenging dynamic.

My family is composed of my amazing mom, dad, and stepdad, my wonderful sister, her husband and their adorable son (and my godson!), a bunch of wonderfully encouraging aunts, uncles, and grandmother. I was lucky enough to add to this group of supporters when I married my biggest fan and best friend in March of 2010.

I am new to the blogging world and have been the absolute last person to join every form of social media there has been. One of my girlfriends made me a myspace page (without my permission of course) and later showed me how to use it. A few years later that same friend created my facebook page because I got sucked into playing Farmville on her account. And just two days ago I texted her to ask "What is pinterest and how do I join?" For the record, I still have no clue how pinterest works.

Any helpful comments or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated as I have no idea what I am doing. I am definitely putting my Cal Poly "Discere Faciendo" mantra into practice here and will learn by doing, trial and error, and input from those more knowledgeable than myself!

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