Friday, December 28, 2012

Returning to the Web-waves in 2013

During the month of December I had a few coworkers and friends ask me about my blog and what had happened to it, would it be returning, their lives were empty and pointless without it...well, maybe not that last part. So while I won't be making a New Year's resolution committing to some set amount of posts per week, I feel that I'm established enough in my flipped classroom routine that I will be able to make some time to post more regularly.

Coming Soon:
Update on all my purchases for the remainder of the year (hope the husband isn't reading)
Update on progress in my classroom
Exciting new opportunity for advancement in my career
A new, drastic, still-very-much-adjusting-to-it hair cut

Thank you to my wonderful friends and family for continuing to be interested in my little web-endeavor. I am so blessed by the amazing people in my life!

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